Keep Yah as your third strand!

Ecclesiastes 4:12 And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Our relationship with the Lord is repeatedly expressed as a marriage. And human marriage has been expressed as a type of the Divine union of Messiah and His Bride. When a man and a woman are joined together in a marital union, the two together acquire a new level of strength according to this word. In that context, here in Israel and elsewhere, it is also said that, “A threefold cord is not easily broken.” But where is the third cord?

An answer may be derived from the Hebrew words for “man”, (eesh איש), “woman”, (eesha אשה), (because she was taken out of man), and “fire”(esh אש). The root letters for both “man” and “woman” are the same letters in the Hebrew word for “fire”.

We also notice that the “yod” (י) in the Hebrew word for “man”, and the “hey” (ה) at the end of the Hebrew word for “woman”, together form the word “Yah” (יה), a shortened version of YHVH, God’s Name given to Moses. Thus, implicit in the Hebrew spelling of the two genders, when joined together, we find the “third cord”, the Name of God, who identifies Himself as a “refiner’s fire”.

Take God (יה Yah) out of the marital relationship, and you are left with (אש, “fire”), human passion, often a fire of lust, which more than ever now is totally unable to sustain marriages, when the human “fire” dies out, and they burn and collapse. But keep Yah (יה) in the marriage, and this “third strand”, binding the couple together to withstand the fires of life, will strengthen the unity exponentially!

Marriage is under attack. We have all seen it and many have experienced it up close. Few have been spared the devastation caused by divorce somewhere in their circle of friends and family, and sadly many of those who divorce call themselves “Christians”. Yet, believers, betrothed to be the Bride of Christ, and sealed unto Him by His Holy Spirit, married or not, are being refined to be without spot or wrinkle for a Divine nuptial. And human marriage is almost invariably a vessel of that refining process for those who are joined as “one flesh”. If you’re in a marriage like that, please stick it out, persevere, by weaving in that “third strand”. Yah, with His Holy fire in your crucible marriage is burning the impurities out of you, both for the sake of your earthly union, but even much more, for your impending marriage to His Son.

Copyright 1999-2025 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.

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