Daniel 10:12-14 Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. 14 Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days [acharit hayamim (in the end of days), for the vision refers to many days yet to come.”
Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the world’s rulers, of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Make no mistake—the spirit of antisemitism is very much alive today. Yet this isn’t a new struggle. It is an ancient spiritual war that has been ongoing for thousands of years. As people worldwide celebrate Purim, recalling the Jewish people’s deliverance from Haman’s evil schemes that took place in the ancient Kingdom of Persia (Iran), we are reminded of a deeper reality: a spiritual conflict between heavenly powers and demonic principalities.
In Daniel’s time, this battle was clearly depicted as the Principality of Persia waged war against the angels of God, delaying Daniel’s answer to prayer for twenty-one days.
When the Apostle Paul wrote of our battle being not against flesh and blood but against spiritual principalities, I firmly believe he was recalling this ancient conflict revealed to Daniel. The very same spiritual enemy who opposed God’s people then continues to oppose Israel today.
When we witness this in the rhetoric and actions of modern-day Iranian leaders who openly call for Israel’s destruction, this is not just geopolitics; it’s the continuation of the spiritual war that was present in Esther’s day, a prophetic battle outlined long ago.
This ongoing struggle reaffirms the truth and power of our faith. The persistent hatred towards the Jewish people testifies to the existence of our God. The unrest and conflict we see today in the Middle East serve as undeniable evidence of Daniel’s prophecy unfolding before our eyes. Indeed, these are signs of the “acharit hayamim,” the end of days.
So let us grasp this truth clearly: the conflict Israel faces physically is, in reality, a spiritual war.
We have been divinely positioned, just like Esther, for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14) And like the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32), who understood their times and knew precisely what Israel should do, we too must discern our role in God’s prophetic plan.
Let us rise boldly in this hour! Stand firm in prayer, passionately seeking God’s divine purposes for Israel and the Middle East. Remember, we have indeed been born for this very moment in history — for such a time as this!
Copyright 1999-2025 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.
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As we find ourselves in the midst of the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe), our hearts are centered this week on repentance as we prepare for Yom Kippur, which is approaching this Friday. In this spirit, I want to share something I discovered while studying the Jewish roots of many of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) parables. I came across an insightful teaching from a Jewish Rabbi, which I believe holds a valuable lesson for us today.
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Between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur are ten days. These days are known as “Yamim Noraim”, “the Days of Awe” — or also translated, the “Awesome days”. In Judaism it has been long believed that these days seal your fate for the upcoming year — and also allude to your final destiny, concerning whether your name continues to be written in the Book of Life.
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The last and most intimate metaphor for Messiah’s relationship with us is as Bridegroom to Bride. For some, the Lord’s intention to marry will be the most significant and wondrous purpose in all of Creation. The preparation for the wedding will be the most meticulous and profound of all historical processes, orchestrated by His Holy Spirit in cooperation with every devoted and expectant saint who ever lived.
One constant pitfall we must watch for is taking credit for something that God does in or through us, or using the gifts and callings of God for self-exaltation. In that light it may be easier to handle poverty, weakness, or insignificance, than wealth, ability, power or authority, since poverty and frailty are not normally things we boast about, and they cause us to recognize our need for God. Prosperity, gifting, and anointing, on the other hand can be powerful temptations, leading to pride, covetousness, and self-sufficiency.