Proclaim the truth!

Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight. (ESV)

We’re living in some pretty wild times, aren’t we? Over the past few weeks, we’ve watched a political earthquake shake America, sending ripple effects all over the world. Some people see it as a positive change, others think it’s for the worse — but one thing is clear: we are in a season of shifting. And the big question is, will we take this opportunity to boldly stand for truth while the doors are open?

Just yesterday, an eye-opening report came out about the newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Turns out, government funds were being funneled to support left-leaning news outlets, including Politico. Well, those funds just got cut, and—coincidence or not—Politico suddenly announced they couldn’t pay their employees this week due to an “accounting glitch.” Some are wondering if there’s a connection.

Now, these major media outlets are scrambling to stay afloat because they weren’t operating on free-market principles—they were being propped up by the very government they were supposed to hold accountable! Instead of reporting the facts, they became mouthpieces for a narrative.

News should be about truth—giving people facts, not propaganda. And for those of us in the body of Christ, we need to be informed so we can pray effectively and stand for righteousness in our culture.

If you’ve followed Worthy News for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed a big shift in how we report the news. When we started, we functioned a lot like the Drudge Report, linking to other media sources. But as time went on, we could no longer in good conscience continue pointing people to the same outlets that were spinning stories instead of reporting the truth. So we faced a choice: Do we shut down Worthy News? Or do we take a leap of faith, hire our own journalists, and trust God to provide.

We chose faith! Unlike mainstream outlets, we don’t run on ads, government funding, or corporate sponsors. We run on one simple principle: “If it’s God’s will, then it’s God’s bill!”

And let me tell you—our bills skyrocketed when we made this shift. But God has remained faithful!

We don’t send out appeal letters or fundraise aggressively. Honestly, between traveling, speaking, homeschooling, writing, running our online ministry, and managing our work in Israel, we sometimes even forget to thank our supporters (and I need to get better at that!). But at the end of the day, this is God’s business — He called us to be watchmen on the wall, and our job is simply to obey.

Even though Google and Facebook actively suppress our content, our readership has exploded over the past few years. Every week, over a million pages are being read across our network of sites!

Want proof of the censorship? Do a Google search for “Christian news” and try to find us—we’re buried somewhere in the 90s (before COVID, we were consistently in the top 10). But do that same search on Bing, Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo, and you’ll find us in the top 20.

You see, truth always finds a way to break through. As the old saying goes: “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

So what’s the takeaway here? Keep proclaiming the truth! Don’t let the world intimidate you. The enemy wants to silence God’s people, but we are called to declare that Yeshua (Jesus) is coming soon!

Yes, the world will try to suppress, censor, and silence us — but when we’re doing God’s work, truth has a way of coming out. And when it does? It kicks the lies right out the door!

So stand strong, keep speaking the truth boldly, walk in His will, and trust that God will take care of the rest!

Copyright 1999-2025 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.

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Our life, the life of faith, is pervaded by paradox. Life faces us with apparently irreconcilable conditions and realities that we struggle to understand and integrate, sometimes throughout an entire lifetime. The Lord himself exemplifies this reality in his dual identity as the expressed image of God and a fully human male who suffered the worst consequences of sin...without deserving them. We live daily within the paradox of God's perfect holiness and our fundamental human imperfection, constantly needing to accept His grace as we strive toward His perfection.

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The world these days is full of bad news, with tensions growing in the Middle East, economies on the brink of collapse, and nature constantly adding to the chaos with one disaster after another. It's a time of trouble all right, and for us believers it may sometimes be hard to believe – but it never is as bad as it seems. Let me illustrate with a joke I like to share with my messages.

When I’m dealing with what is beyond a normal, average trial, I need to muster a more militant attitude, and I remind myself of this promise; the Lord has given me authority to TREAD upon the enemy … to walk in His victory over every trial and tribulation that life brings.

An artist went searching the streets of New York City for a model to pose for a portrait he wanted to call -- 'The Prodigal'. One day was passing Central Park and saw an impoverished beggar lying on a bench and thought: 'He's perfect! That man would represent the prodigal son beautifully in my painting.' He asked the beggar if he would be willing to sit for his painting and he would gladly pay him for his time. Naturally, the beggar agreed.

Moses was used mightily by the Lord, yet we all know he had his inadequacies and limitations too. Still he was the vessel through which God chose to work through as He carried out the plagues over Egypt, divided the Red Sea and miraculously led and fed the children of Israel for forty years. That's pretty big stuff. Can you imagine having to be Moses' successor after all that? That's exactly what Joshua had to do. I can't even begin to imagine what Joshua was thinking at the time -- How can I possibly live up to Moses? But the Lord comforts and reassures Joshua and says, "as I was with Moses, so I will be with you!"